Defining Mark Up on Expenses

Users have 3 options for defining markup % on project expenses. Here's some more information to help you understand the hierarchy.

Users have 3 options for defining markup % on project expenses:

1. Manually, as individual expenses are entered in BQE Core through the standard web user interface.  You can enter a Mark up  % (or enter the Charge Amount and BQE Core will calculate the markup %):

2. At the "Expense Item" level:


3. Globally at the project level through "Fee Schedules"   If you want all the expense entries of a project to have the same markup percentage irrespective of the markup specified for them in the Expense Items screen, you can use Fee Schedules. Follow these steps to achieve that :



For ultimate automation, use the Global settings for Fee Schedules and assign the proper fee schedule to the projects. (#3)

If you find that to be too much to define, set the mark up at the Expense Item settings. (#2)

Finally, know that any manual entry to the Markup field for Charge Amount field for each individual expense item will overwrite all of the settings established in #2 and #3 above.