How to connect an Expensify account to your account

To connect an Expensify account that is not currently showing as an active connection in your account, follow these steps.

  1. First log into your account and click on the Connections navigation link and then the Add Connection button. An option should appear to add a connection for Expensify. Click the Connect button to begin the process.
  2. Your browser will open a new page prompting you to enter your Expensify Partner User ID, Partner User Secret & User Email.
  3. To generate these credentials first be sure to be logged into your Expensify account as a user that has full access to all of the workspaces you want to connect to the platform. Next open the Expensify Integration Server Access webpage where this information can be retrieved. You may need to click a link to generate a new Partner User Secret if one was previously generated and a copy of that information is not available to you. Make sure to store the Partner User ID and Partner User Secret pair you're given in a secure location, as you won't be shown them together again. Copy and paste the related values into the Expensify connection page and click the Connect button to successfully connect your Expensify account.